Monday, December 24, 2012

A few thoughts on the eve of the Incarnation…

I was recently reflecting on the Agony in the Garden (yes, wrong season, I know) and the choice Jesus made to go ahead with the Crucifixion, even though he didn’t really want to. And it struck me that in the moment, Jesus’ human agency was involved (Christ being fully human AND fully God – the word made FLESH). That the cosmic passion play which bound us more intimately with God depended on a human decision.

God works through people, through us. Often times the people I least expect God to speak through will say the thing I know God needs me to hear. In all the fabulous stories of choirs of angels and traveling kings/sages we can sometimes forget just how humble Jesus’ birth was. How he could barely work miracles in his home town because his neighbors couldn’t get over their own perceptions of who was valuable and powerful.

How easy it is to get caught up in our own ideas of power and value and to judge ourselves harshly and clamor and struggle to reach those ideals. I do not believe those are God’s ideals. I’m often astonished when the small things I’ve done that I thought were completely unimportant were moments of transformation in other people’s lives. God is subtle.

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